Lineman Cody Southern paid forward $500 to the Hejaz Shriners of Upstate South Carolina on behalf of the Hillbilly Clan # 2, a sideline degree of Shriners that devotes its time and resources to the Shriners Hospitals for Children.
The Shriners International Mission is to:
- Be the premier fraternal organization for men of good character.
- Provide attractive, quality programs and services for its members, their families and friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship and social camaraderie.
- Foster self-improvement through leadership, education, the perpetuation of moral values and community involvement.
- Serve mankind through the resources of its great philanthropy, the Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Hejaz Shrine Temple is home to more than 4800 Shriners that support 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children. Their events include parades, circuses, music festivals, oyster roasts and other opportunities to raise funds.
The hospitals provide state-of-the-art treatment of orthopedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, and burns to children under eighteen without regard to their families’ ability to pay.
Shriners’ researchers are noted as world leaders in their fields and are respected for the impact of their work on the lives of children everywhere. Areas of research highlighted include muscle wasting, infection and scarring in patients with burns. Shriners Hospitals have world-renowned research experts helping lead the way in orthopedic discoveries and advancements.
To find out more or get involved, contact the Hejaz Shriners at 119 Beverly Rd., Greenville, SC 29609, 864-277-4386,, or visit
Laurens Electric’s Pay It Forward program began in 2015.
Every Laurens Electric Cooperative employee is entered into a random drawing to receive $500 to pay forward in any way they choose.
Each month a new name is drawn, and the employee then has one month to apply the funds toward their own act of kindness.
This initiative is budget-neutral; the funds come from Laurens Electric’s charity events, which employee volunteers make possible.