Social Security and Disability
Meeting the needs of our members has always been a top priority. That’s why we are always willing to be flexible to serve you better. One program that allows us to adjust to your needs is FlexPay.
It’s designed for members who rely on Social Security or disability income. If you receive a check from one of these agencies and get your power bill before your money arrives, we can change the due date to fit your schedule.
We will read your meter during the regularly scheduled time each month but you will get your bill before the end of the month. This will give you extra time before your bill is due.
To qualify for FlexPay, you must fill out a simple form. If you have any questions about this special service, call us at 1-800-942-3141.
FlexPay Application
By submitting this application I, a member of Laurens Electric Cooperative, Inc. hereby request and make application to have my electric service billed on the LEC Social Security/Disability Program.
Conditions Of This Agreement
- Customer must receive Social Security or Disability benefits.
- You must show proof you receive the benefit. You must also provide the name of the person who receives the benefit (if other than account holder), date of birth and the approximate date check is received each month.
This Agreement Is Subject To Cancellation At Any Time Due To Any of The Following Reasons:
- Termination of electric service by the undersigned at the location listed above.
- Failure to make payments before the cut off day, which is disconnection of service for non-payment.
- Thirty days written notice by either party