WE ARE DIFFERENT, as our Annual Report theme put it, and we’re making a positive difference in the Upstate — and beyond.
Members who attended our 2017 Annual Meeting June 3 heard how from my friend Mike Couick, head of the state association of electric co-ops. Mike shared a story about lessons learned growing up in Clover — “right up 49,” as he noted — on an electric cooperative-served farm.
Mike said he and his brother learned to share, be it the good things in life, like their mother’s sweet potato pie, or the bad, such as the death of a family member. “That together thing gets us through lots of good things and it gets us through lots of challenging things,” he said.
Mike graciously noted that LEC has had a similar impact on the 19 other consumer-owned electric cooperatives around the state — “the co-op family,” as Mike accurately calls it. For instance, he noted that LEC’s successful Community Solar program is a model for our sister co -ops. And our 75 Acts of Kindness program, developed to mark our 75th anniversary in 2014, was adopted by 10 other co-ops celebrating their anniversaries. “So 75 Acts of Kindness times 10 became 750 Acts of Kindness,” he noted.
“Once you share that first piece of sweet potato pie,” he added, “ ‘shared’ feels good!” LEC’s Pay It Forward program likewise allows our employees to feel the benefit in sharing with local people in need. As Mike said, “Tell me something better than that!”
But, he added, “You learn to share on the things that are challenges and problems.” Attitude is key, he said, asking, “Are you willing to be optimistic?”
Mike noted how LEC and our fellow co -ops are working together on challenges such as cybersecurity and on the delays and costs of constructing additional nuclear power generation at Jenkinsville. “We can get through it if view it as an opportunity,” he noted.
Like Mike, I feel sure that we can prevail through cooperation, sharing and optimism. Thanks to the 2,852 members who shared their co-op spirit on June 3!
J. David Wasson
President and Chief Executive Officer
Annual Report
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